update singularity / apptainer image
fix version in binning.sif instead require minimal version and install new version of binette with conda
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- Claire Hoede changed milestone to %Issues en vrac
changed milestone to %Issues en vrac
- Claire Hoede added Enhancement label
added Enhancement label
- Claire Hoede changed milestone to %Add MetaMDBG
changed milestone to %Add MetaMDBG
- Author Owner
Certains outils sont sur des versions anciennes dans l'image singularity.
- cutadapt 4.2 -> 4.9
- diamond 2.0.15 ->
- diamond 2.0.15 -> 2.1.12
- fastqc 0.11.9 -> 0.12.1
- flye 2.9.1 -> 2.9.4
- kaiju 1.9.2 -> 1.10.1
- minimap2 2.24 -> 2.28
- multiqc 1.14 -> 1.23
- samtools 1.15.1 -> 1.20
- spades 3.15.5 -> 4.0.0
- gtdbtk 2.1 -> 2.4
-> envisager une mise à jour + tests avant nouvelle version du pipeline ?
Edited by Celine Noirot - Claire Hoede mentioned in issue #251 (closed)
mentioned in issue #251 (closed)
- Claire Hoede assigned to @philipperuiz
assigned to @philipperuiz
- Owner
Process nf ayant une seule dépendance (et donc pouvant etre facilement upgradé)
ETAPE / MODULE PROCESS script version derniere version en ligne ETAT (TODO/NOT UPGRADABLE/DONE) Assembly METAFLYE flye 2.9.1 2.9.5 [ ] HIFIASM_META hifiasm_meta hamtv0.3 MEGAHIT megahit 1.2.9 1.2.9 METASPADES metaspades.py spades=3.15.5 4.0.0 binning METABAT2 metabat2 2.15 2.17 MAXBIN2 run_MaxBin.pl 2.2.7 2.2.7 CONCOCT several script 1.1.0 1.1.0 up to date, n'a pas bougé depuis 2019 modules seuls BARRNAP barrnap 0.9 0.9 CHECKM2 checkm2 utilise celui de binette (v1.*) 1.0.2 CUTADAPT cutadapt 4.2 5.0 DONE CN / testé validé test functionnel DIAMOND diamond+unix command 2.0.15 2.1.11 DREP dRep + retrieve_bins_cluster_composition 3.0.0 3.4.2 NOT UPGRADABLE EGGNOG_MAPPER emapper.py 2.1.9 2.1.12 TODO FASTQC fastqc 0.11.9 0.12.1 testé validé test functionnel FEATURE_COUNTS featureCounts subread=2.0.3 2.0.8 GTDBTK gtdbtk 2.1 2.4 testé validé partiel test functionnel + mash_db (get_db_version non fonctionnel pour mash si n'existe pas au départ) HOST_FILTER bwa-mem2,samtools 2.2.1 & 1.15.1 2.2.1 & 1.21 HOST_FILTER_HIFI minimap2,samtools 2.24, 1.15.1 2.28 & 1.21 KAIJU kaiju,kaiju2krona, kaiju2table 1.9.2 1.10.1 TODO PR KAIJU_TO_KRONA ktImportText krona=2.8.1 2.8.1 PLOT_KRONA ktImportText krona=2.8.1 2.8.1 QUAST metaquast.py quast=5.2.0 5.3.0 MULTIQC multiqc 1.14 1.27 testé validé test functionnel PRODIGAL prodigal 2.6.3 2.6.3 GET_ALIGNMENT_METRICS samtools 1.15.1 1.21 BWA_MEM bwa-mem2 & samtools 2.2.1 & 1.15.1 2.2.1 & 1.21 TODO samtools a essayer MINIMAP2 minimap2 & samtools 2.24, 1.15.1 2.28 & 1.21 READS_DEDUPLICATION bwa-mem2 & samtools 2.2.1 & 1.15.1 2.2.1 & 1.21 SICKLE sickle sickle-trim=1.33 1.33 TRNASCAN_SE tRNAscan-SE 2.0.11 2.0.12 Edited by Philippe Ruiz - Owner
Voici un exemple de configuration pour mettre a jour GTDBTK :
process { withName:GTDBTK { container = 'quay.io/biocontainers/gtdbtk:2.4.0--pyhdfd78af_2' memory = { 150.GB } cpus = 2 } }
- Philippe Ruiz created branch
to address this issuecreated branch
to address this issue - Owner
Dépendances Python de l'image binning.sif v2.4.3 (téléchargée via le lien de la documentation)
library version derniere version en ligne script ETAT (TODO/NOT UPGRADABLE/DONE) free pandas 1.5.3 2.2.3 multiple .py functions scipy 1.10.1 1.15.1 plot_kaiju_stas.py setuptools 65.6.3 75.8.0 ? requests 2.28.1 2.32.3 ? packaging 23.0 24.1 ? tqdm 4.65 4.67.1 ? networkx 2.8.4 3.4.2 ? pyfastx 1.0.1 2.2.0 multiple .py functions pyrodigal 2.1.0 3.6.3 ? matplotlib 3.7.1 3.9.0 aln_to_tax_affi.py pprodigal 1.0.1 ? ? Edited by Philippe Ruiz - Celine Noirot mentioned in merge request !27 (merged)
mentioned in merge request !27 (merged)
- Philippe Ruiz mentioned in commit 0a77b6c6
mentioned in commit 0a77b6c6
- Philippe Ruiz mentioned in commit d20c1b2e
mentioned in commit d20c1b2e
- Philippe Ruiz mentioned in merge request !29 (merged)
mentioned in merge request !29 (merged)
- Celine Noirot mentioned in commit 7a02981b
mentioned in commit 7a02981b
- Philippe Ruiz mentioned in merge request !30 (merged)
mentioned in merge request !30 (merged)
- Philippe Ruiz mentioned in commit 036fa288
mentioned in commit 036fa288
- Owner
- test.config modifier -> ok
Edited by Philippe Ruiz - Philippe Ruiz marked this issue as related to #263
marked this issue as related to #263
- Philippe Ruiz marked this issue as related to #260
marked this issue as related to #260