This script is designed to help in the statistical analysis of peptidomics quantitative data. It is an R script to manipulate peptide quantification data from MassChroQ or other peptide quantification software. Among others, this script helps in generating figures such as Venn Diagrams, Principal Components Analysis, Boxplot, Heatmaps, Clustering, and Protein Mapping.
Principal Components Analysis:
Peptide Clusters Visualisation:
Peptide Clusters Analysis (CATDES):
Download and install
All downloadable files and example data concerning r-peptidomics can be found at ForgeMIA. No installation is required, simply open the r-peptidomics.Rmd R markdown script into Rstudio and run through it adapting the script to your data.
This project is the work of Julien Jardin (contact: julien.jardin@inrae.fr).
You are welcome to contribute, copy, modify, fork if you need it, respecting the terms of the licence.
This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Refer to this page when citing this work: https://forgemia.inra.fr/julien.jardin/r-peptidomics
Project status
This project is still under development and may be updated in the future