index 0ceb01a04f7f4c48222424c5129da7ef757bff36..65158a23e8947530467b1ab926ac0a637acee4b3 100644
@@ -12,29 +12,30 @@ LazyData: true
 Encoding: UTF-8
 Depends: R (>= 4.0.0)
-    SimInf,
-    data.table,
-    magrittr,
-    chron,
-    terra,
-    tidyterra,
-    ggplot2,
-    raster,
-    sp,
-    sf,
-    geodata,
-    zoo,
-    stringdist,
-    stringr,
-    leaflet,
-    RColorBrewer,
-    imputeTS,
+    SimInf (>= 9.5.0),
+    data.table (>= 1.14.8),
+    magrittr (>= 2.0.3),
+    chron (>= 2.3-60),
+    terra (>= 1.7-18),
+    tidyterra (>= 0.4.0),
+    ggplot2 (>= 3.4.1),
+    raster (>= 3.6-20),
+    sp (>= 1.6-0),
+    sf (>= 1.0-12),
+    geodata (>= 0.5-3),
+    zoo (>= 1.8-11),
+    stringdist (>= 0.9.10),
+    stringr (>= 1.5.0),
+    leaflet (>= 2.1.2),
+    RColorBrewer (>= 1.1-3),
+    imputeTS (>= 3.3),
-    doParallel,
-    foreach
+    doParallel (>= 1.0.17),
+    foreach (>= 1.5.2),
+    pbapply (>= 1.7-0)
-    knitr,
-    rmarkdown
+    knitr (>= 1.42),
+    rmarkdown (>= 2.20)
 RoxygenNote: 7.2.3
index 4bf2512649a66452a3b203aeb8f7be576729a696..857f0728af6b1a9db1c33541c2adaeef85b4a924 100644
@@ -7,5 +7,15 @@ export(cleanmeteo)
diff --git a/R/build_pts_fun.R b/R/build_pts_fun.R
index 333f804113244d0fcd3e2f4b275aa6f70dbf3bfe..14aa2157893f4d9e47a723f44ecd6f62ba2d20a0 100644
--- a/R/build_pts_fun.R
+++ b/R/build_pts_fun.R
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 #' @param u0 initial population stage for compartment driven by stochastic processes
 #' @param v0 continuous variables. Contains post time step state of vector population as well as daily meteorological data.
 #' @param gdata list of global data
-#' @param diapause_interv interval of days defining favourable period for mosquitoes
+#' @param diapause_interv interval of days defining favorable period for mosquitoes
 #' @return String containing C code used as pts_fun by SimInf package
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
 #' @export
-build_pts_fun <- function(u0, v0, gdata, diapause_interv){
+build_pts_fun <- function(u0, v0, gdata, ldata, diapause_interv){
   diapause_string <- ""
@@ -31,12 +31,32 @@ build_pts_fun <- function(u0, v0, gdata, diapause_interv){
         diapause_string <- paste0(diapause_string, paste("(int)t >=",diapause_interv[i*2+1]," && (int)t < ",diapause_interv[i*2+2]))
+  # # infection of mosquitoes
+  # # weighted infected pop
+  # wIh  <- c()
+  # for(patch in seq(0, nrow(u0)-1)){
+  #   wIh %<>% append(.,
+  #                   paste0(c("ldata[",1 + round(ldata[1,1]) * 3 + patch, # proba that someone from patch i is in patch j
+  #                            "]*u_0[",2 + patch * ncol(u0),"]/(u_0[", # number of infectious ind. in patch i
+  #                            0 + patch * ncol(u0),"] + u_0[", # number of susceptible ind. in patch i
+  #                            1 + patch * ncol(u0),"] + u_0[", # number of exposed ind. in patch i
+  #                            2 + patch * ncol(u0),"] + u_0[", # number of infectious ind. in patch i
+  #                            3 + patch * ncol(u0),"])"), collapse = "")) # number of recovered ind. in patch i
+  # }
+  # wIh %<>% paste(., collapse= "+")
   ### Deterministic transitions for mosquitoes life cycle ###
-  pts_fun <- paste('
+  pts_fun <- paste0('
+const int nCpmt_u = (int)',ncol(u0), 'L;
+const int nCpmt_v = (int)',nrow(v0), 'L;
+const int * u_0 = &u[-node * nCpmt_u];
+const double * v_0 = &v[-node * nCpmt_v];
   // update diapause
   v_new[0] = 0;
@@ -50,6 +70,13 @@ build_pts_fun <- function(u0, v0, gdata, diapause_interv){
     v_new[i] = ldata[1 + (int)ldata[0] * (i-1) + (int)t];
+  double temperature;
+  long kP;
+  long kL;
+  temperature = v_new[', which(rownames(v0) == "temperature") - 1,'];
+  kP = v_new[', which(rownames(v0) == "kP") - 1,'];
+  kL = v_new[', which(rownames(v0) == "kL") - 1,'];
   // Development and mortality functions
   // EGGS
@@ -59,75 +86,75 @@ build_pts_fun <- function(u0, v0, gdata, diapause_interv){
   v_new[', which(rownames(v0) == "prevEggs") - 1,'] = u[', which(names(u0) == "Neggs") - 1,']/1000;
   // eggs layed by susceptible mosquitoes
   int neweggS;
-  neweggS =', gdata["gammaAo"], ' * (v[10] * ', gdata["beta1"], ' +  v[13] * ', gdata["beta2"], ');
+  neweggS =', gdata["gammaAo"], ' * (v[', which(rownames(v0) == "A1om") - 1,'] * ', gdata["beta1"], ' +  v[', which(rownames(v0) == "A2om") - 1,'] * ', gdata["beta2"], ');
   //  eggs development into larvae and mortality
   double fdevE;
-  if(v_new[1] > ', gdata["TE"], '){
-  fdevE = v_new[0] * ((v_new[1] - ', gdata["TE"], ') / ', gdata["TDDE"], ');
+  if(temperature > ', gdata["TE"], '){
+  fdevE = v_new[', which(rownames(v0) == "z") - 1,'] * ((temperature - ', gdata["TE"], ') / ', gdata["TDDE"], ');
   fdevE = 0;
   long varEm;
   if((', gdata["muE"],' + fdevE) > 1){
-  varEm = neweggI + neweggS - v[4];
+  varEm = neweggI + neweggS - v[', which(rownames(v0) == "Em") - 1,'];
   } else{
-  varEm = neweggI + neweggS - v[4] * (', gdata["muE"],' + fdevE);
+  varEm = neweggI + neweggS - v[', which(rownames(v0) == "Em") - 1,'] * (', gdata["muE"],' + fdevE);
   // LARVAE
   //  larvae development into pupae
   double fdevL;
-  if((', gdata["q1L"], ' * v_new[1] * v_new[1] + ', gdata["q2L"], ' * v_new[1] + ', gdata["q3L"], ') < 0){
+  if((', gdata["q1L"], ' * temperature * temperature + ', gdata["q2L"], ' * temperature + ', gdata["q3L"], ') < 0){
   fdevL = 0;
   } else {
-  fdevL = (', gdata["q1L"], ' * v_new[1] * v_new[1] + ', gdata["q2L"], ' * v_new[1] + ', gdata["q3L"], ');
+  fdevL = (', gdata["q1L"], ' * temperature * temperature + ', gdata["q2L"], ' * temperature + ', gdata["q3L"], ');
   //  larvae mortality
   double fmL;
-  fmL = (0.0007 * exp((v_new[1]-10)*0.1838) + 0.02) * (1 + v[5]/v_new[2]);
+  fmL = (0.0007 * exp((temperature-10)*0.1838) + 0.02) * (1 + v[', which(rownames(v0) == "Lm") - 1,']/kL);
   long varLm;
   if((fdevL + fmL) > 1){
-  varLm = v[4] * fdevE - v[5] ;
+  varLm = v[', which(rownames(v0) == "Em") - 1,'] * fdevE - v[', which(rownames(v0) == "Lm") - 1,'] ;
   } else {
-  varLm = v[4] * fdevE - v[5] * (fdevL + fmL) ;
+  varLm = v[', which(rownames(v0) == "Em") - 1,'] * fdevE - v[', which(rownames(v0) == "Lm") - 1,'] * (fdevL + fmL) ;
   // PUPAE
   //  pupae development into emerging adult
   double fdevP;
-  fdevP = (', gdata["q1P"], ' * v_new[1] * v_new[1] + ', gdata["q2P"], ' * v_new[1] + ', gdata["q3P"], ');
+  fdevP = (', gdata["q1P"], ' * temperature * temperature + ', gdata["q2P"], ' * temperature + ', gdata["q3P"], ');
   if(fdevP < 0)
   fdevP = 0;
   //  pupae mortality
   double fmP;
-  fmP = (0.0003 * exp((v_new[1]-10)*0.2228) + 0.02) * (1 + v[6]/v_new[3]);
+  fmP = (0.0003 * exp((temperature-10)*0.2228) + 0.02) * (1 + v[', which(rownames(v0) == "Pm") - 1,']/kP);
   long varPm;
   if((fdevP + fmP) > 1){
-  varPm = v[5] * fdevL - v[6] ;
+  varPm = v[', which(rownames(v0) == "Lm") - 1,'] * fdevL - v[', which(rownames(v0) == "Pm") - 1,'] ;
   } else {
-  varPm = v[5] * fdevL - v[6] * (fdevP + fmP) ;
+  varPm = v[', which(rownames(v0) == "Lm") - 1,'] * fdevL - v[', which(rownames(v0) == "Pm") - 1,'] * (fdevP + fmP) ;
   // ADULTS
   //  aldult mortality
   double fmA;
-  fmA = 0.0003 * exp((v_new[1] - 10)*0.1745) + 0.025;
+  fmA = 0.0003 * exp((temperature - 10)*0.1745) + 0.025;
   if(fmA < ', gdata["muA"], ')
   fmA = ', gdata["muA"], ';
   //  emerging aldult mortality
   double fmAEm;
-  fmAEm = exp(-', gdata["muEM"], ' * (1+v[6]/v_new[3]));
+  fmAEm = exp(-', gdata["muEM"], ' * (1+v[', which(rownames(v0) == "Pm") - 1,']/kP));
   //  aldult mortality in research activity
   double fmAr;
@@ -135,96 +162,166 @@ build_pts_fun <- function(u0, v0, gdata, diapause_interv){
   //  aldult gorging activity
   double fAg;
-    if(v_new[1] > ', gdata["TAG"], '){
-  fAg = (v_new[1] - ', gdata["TAG"], ')/', gdata["TDDAG"], ';
+    if(temperature > ', gdata["TAG"], '){
+  fAg = (temperature - ', gdata["TAG"], ')/', gdata["TDDAG"], ';
   } else {
   fAg = 0;
   double varAemm;
-  varAemm =  v[6] * fdevP * ', gdata["sigma"],' * fmAEm - v[7] * (fmA + ', gdata["gammaAem"], ') ;
+  varAemm =  v[', which(rownames(v0) == "Pm") - 1,'] * fdevP * ', gdata["sigma"],' * fmAEm - v[', which(rownames(v0) == "Aemm") - 1,'] * (fmA + ', gdata["gammaAem"], ') ;
   double varA1hm;
-  varA1hm = v[7] * ', gdata["gammaAem"], ' - v[8] * (fmAr + ', gdata["gammaAh"], ') ;
+  varA1hm = v[', which(rownames(v0) == "Aemm") - 1,'] * ', gdata["gammaAem"], ' - v[', which(rownames(v0) == "A1hm") - 1,'] * (fmAr + ', gdata["gammaAh"], ') ;
   double varA1gm;
-  varA1gm =   v[8] * ', gdata["gammaAh"], ' - v[9] * (fmA + fAg) ;
+  varA1gm =   v[', which(rownames(v0) == "A1hm") - 1,'] * ', gdata["gammaAh"], ' - v[', which(rownames(v0) == "A1gm") - 1,'] * (fmA + fAg) ;
   double varA1om;
-  varA1om = v[9] * fAg - v[10] * (fmAr + ', gdata["gammaAo"], ') ;
+  varA1om = v[', which(rownames(v0) == "A1gm") - 1,'] * fAg - v[', which(rownames(v0) == "A1om") - 1,'] * (fmAr + ', gdata["gammaAo"], ') ;
   double varA2hm;
-  varA2hm = (v[10] + v[13]) * ', gdata["gammaAo"], ' - v[11] * (fmAr + ', gdata["gammaAh"], ') ;
+  varA2hm = (v[', which(rownames(v0) == "A1om") - 1,'] + v[', which(rownames(v0) == "A2om") - 1,']) * ', gdata["gammaAo"], ' - v[', which(rownames(v0) == "A2hm") - 1,'] * (fmAr + ', gdata["gammaAh"], ') ;
   double varA2gm;
-  varA2gm = v[11] * ', gdata["gammaAh"], ' - v[12] * (fmA + fAg) ;
+  varA2gm = v[',which(rownames(v0) == "A2hm") - 1,'] * ', gdata["gammaAh"], ' - v[', which(rownames(v0) == "A2gm") - 1,'] * (fmA + fAg) ;
   double varA2om;
-  varA2om = v[12] * fAg - v[13] * (fmAr + ', gdata["gammaAo"], ');
+  varA2om = v[', which(rownames(v0) == "A2gm") - 1,'] * fAg - v[', which(rownames(v0) == "A2om") - 1,'] * (fmAr + ', gdata["gammaAo"], ');
   //  update mosquito population vector
    //  eggs
-   v_new[4] = v[4] + varEm ;
+   v_new[', which(rownames(v0) == "Em") - 1,'] = v[', which(rownames(v0) == "Em") - 1,'] + varEm ;
    //  larvae
-   v_new[5] = v[5] + varLm ;
+   v_new[', which(rownames(v0) == "Lm") - 1,'] = v[', which(rownames(v0) == "Lm") - 1,'] + varLm ;
    //  pupae
-   v_new[6] = v[6] + varPm ;
+   v_new[', which(rownames(v0) == "Pm") - 1,'] = v[', which(rownames(v0) == "Pm") - 1,'] + varPm ;
    //  emerging adult
-   v_new[7] = v[7] + varAemm ;
+   v_new[', which(rownames(v0) == "Aemm") - 1,'] = v[', which(rownames(v0) == "Aemm") - 1,'] + varAemm ;
    //  nulliparous host-seeking adult
-   v_new[8] = v[8] + varA1hm ;
+   v_new[', which(rownames(v0) == "A1hm") - 1,'] = v[', which(rownames(v0) == "A1hm") - 1,'] + varA1hm ;
    //  nulliparous gorged adult
-   v_new[9] = v[9] + varA1gm ;
+   v_new[', which(rownames(v0) == "A1gm") - 1,'] = v[', which(rownames(v0) == "A1gm") - 1,'] + varA1gm ;
    //  nulliparous oviposition-site-seeking adult
-   v_new[10] = v[10] + varA1om ;
+   v_new[', which(rownames(v0) == "A1om") - 1,'] = v[', which(rownames(v0) == "A1om") - 1,'] + varA1om ;
    //  parous host-seeking adult
-   v_new[11] = v[11] + varA2hm ;
+   v_new[', which(rownames(v0) == "A2hm") - 1,'] = v[', which(rownames(v0) == "A2hm") - 1,'] + varA2hm ;
    //  parous gorged adult
-   v_new[12] = v[12] + varA2gm ;
+   v_new[', which(rownames(v0) == "A2gm") - 1,'] = v[', which(rownames(v0) == "A2gm") - 1,'] + varA2gm ;
    //  parous oviposition-site-seeking adult
-   v_new[13] = v[13] + varA2om;
+   v_new[', which(rownames(v0) == "A2om") - 1,'] = v[', which(rownames(v0) == "A2om") - 1,'] + varA2om;
    //Calcul of R0
    int atot;
-   atot = v[7] + v[8] + v[9] + v[10] + v[11] + v[12] + v[13];
+   atot = u[',which(colnames(u0) == "A1gmI") - 1,
+   '] + u[',which(colnames(u0) == "A1omI") - 1,
+   '] + u[',which(colnames(u0) == "A2hmI") - 1,
+   '] + u[',which(colnames(u0) == "A2gmI") - 1,
+   '] + u[',which(colnames(u0) == "A2omI") - 1,
+   ']+ v[', which(rownames(v0) == "Aemm") - 1,
+   ']+ v[', which(rownames(v0) == "A1hm") - 1,
+   ']+ v[', which(rownames(v0) == "A1gm") - 1,
+   ']+ v[', which(rownames(v0) == "A1om") - 1,
+   ']+ v[', which(rownames(v0) == "A2hm") - 1,
+   ']+ v[', which(rownames(v0) == "A2gm") - 1,
+   ']+ v[', which(rownames(v0) == "A2om") - 1,'];
    double taux_survie;
-   taux_survie = 1-fmA-((v[11]+v[13])/atot)*fmAr;
+   taux_survie = 1 - ((v[', which(rownames(v0) == "Aemm") - 1,'] + v[', which(rownames(v0) == "A1hm") - 1,'] + v[', which(rownames(v0) == "A1gm") - 1,'] + v[', which(rownames(v0) == "A1om") - 1,'] + v[', which(rownames(v0) == "A2gm") - 1,'])/atot) * fmA - ((v[', which(rownames(v0) == "A2hm") - 1,']+v[', which(rownames(v0) == "A2om") - 1,'])/atot) * fmAr;
    double incub_extr;
-   incub_extr = 0.11*(v_new[1]*v_new[1])-7.13*v_new[1]+121.17;
+   incub_extr = 0.11*(temperature*temperature)-7.13*temperature+121.17;
    double comp_vect;
-      if(((-0.0043)*(v_new[1]*v_new[1])+(0.2593*v_new[1])-3.2705) > 0){
-      comp_vect = ((-0.0043)*(v_new[1]*v_new[1])+(0.2593*v_new[1])-3.2705);
+      if(((-0.0043)*(temperature*temperature)+(0.2593*temperature)-3.2705) > 0){
+      comp_vect = ((-0.0043)*(temperature*temperature)+(0.2593*temperature)-3.2705);
       } else {
       comp_vect = 0;
-    int pop;
-    pop = u[0] + u[1] + u[2] + u[3];
+    // Total human population
+    int TP;
+    TP = u[',which(colnames(u0) == "Sh") - 1,'] + u[',which(colnames(u0) == "Eh") - 1,'] + u[',which(colnames(u0) == "Ih") - 1,'] + u[',which(colnames(u0) == "Rh") - 1,'];
+    // Infected human population
+    int IP;
+    IP = u[',which(colnames(u0) == "Ih") - 1,'];
     double capac_vect;
-      if(pop > 0 && atot > 0){
-    capac_vect = atot/pop*pow((v[8] + v[11])*', gdata["gammaAh"], '/atot,2)*pow(taux_survie,incub_extr)/-log(taux_survie);
+      if(TP > 0 && atot > 0){
+    capac_vect = atot/TP*pow((v[8] + v[11])*', gdata["gammaAh"], '/atot,2)*pow(taux_survie,incub_extr)/-log(taux_survie);
       } else {
     capac_vect = 0;
     int R0;
-      if(R0 > pop){
-   v_new[15] = pop;
+      if(R0 > TP){
+   v_new[', which(rownames(v0) == "R0") - 1,'] = TP;
       } else {
-   v_new[15] = (comp_vect*capac_vect)/', gdata["rhoH"],';
+   v_new[', which(rownames(v0) == "R0") - 1,'] = (comp_vect*capac_vect)/', gdata["rhoH"],';
+  // proportion of infected mosquitoes weighted by the probability of being in contact (probability to be in the patch)
+  // initialize proportion
+  double wIm;
+  wIm = 0;
+  // total number of mosquitoes looking for host in the patch
+  int nMh;
+  // proportion of infected mosquitoes looking for host in the patch
+  double pIMh;
+  int j;
+  for(j = 0; j <= ',nrow(u0)-1,'; ++j){
+    nMh = u_0[',which(colnames(u0) == "A2hmI") - 1,' + j * ',ncol(u0),'] + v_0[', which(rownames(v0) == "A1hm") - 1,' + j * ',nrow(v0),'] + v_0[', which(rownames(v0) == "A2hm") - 1,' + j * ',nrow(v0),'];
+    if(nMh > 0){
+    pIMh = (double) u_0[',which(colnames(u0) == "A2hmI") - 1,' + j * ',ncol(u0),'] / nMh;
+    } else {
+    pIMh = (double) 0;
+    }
+    pIMh = pIMh * ldata[1 + (int)ldata[0] * 3 + j];
+    wIm = wIm + pIMh;
+  }
+  v_new[', which(rownames(v0) == "pIm") - 1,'] = (double) wIm;
+  // proportion of infected humans weighted by the probability of being in contact (probability to be in the patch)
+  // initialize proportion
+  double wIh;
+  wIh = 0;
+  // total number of mosquitoes looking for host in the patch
+  int nHtot;
+  // proportion of infected mosquitoes looking for host in the patch
+  double pIH;
+  int k;
+  for(k = 0; k <= ',nrow(u0)-1,'; ++k){
+    nHtot = u_0[',which(colnames(u0) == "Sh") - 1,' + k * ',ncol(u0),
+    '] + u_0[',which(colnames(u0) == "Eh") - 1,' + k * ',ncol(u0),
+   '] + u_0[',which(colnames(u0) == "Ih") - 1,' + k * ',ncol(u0),
+   '] + u_0[',which(colnames(u0) == "Rh") - 1,' + k * ',ncol(u0),'];
+    if(nHtot > 0){
+    pIH = (double) u_0[',which(colnames(u0) == "Ih") - 1,' + k * ',ncol(u0),'] / nHtot;
+    } else {
+    pIH = (double) 0;
+    }
+    pIH = pIH * ldata[1 + (int)ldata[0] * 3 + k];
+    wIh = wIh + pIH;
+  }
+  v_new[', which(rownames(v0) == "pIh") - 1,'] = (double) wIh;
   return 1;
diff --git a/R/build_transitions.R b/R/build_transitions.R
index 3a32baf73b94988b56a04dd1010d52618b63c905..22efbe75bd2a65225ac9047f43b9c7cb1ffe228a 100644
--- a/R/build_transitions.R
+++ b/R/build_transitions.R
@@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ stoch_transitions <- c(
   # We do not consider "exposed" stage and temperature-dependent extrinsic incubation period (EIP) -- all females directly become infectious // we do not include recovery
-  "@ -> 0.0003 * exp((temperature-10)*0.1745) < 0 ? A1hm * (gammaAh - muA - muR) * Ih/(Sh+Eh+Ih+Rh) * bHM : A1hm * (gammaAh - ((0.0003 * exp((temperature-10) * 0.1745) + muA + muR))) * Ih/(Sh+Eh+Ih+Rh) * bHM -> A1gmI",
-  "@ -> 0.0003 * exp((temperature-10)*0.1745) < 0 ? A2hm * (gammaAh - muA - muR) * Ih/(Sh+Eh+Ih+Rh) * bHM : A2hm * (gammaAh - ((0.0003 * exp((temperature-10) * 0.1745) + muA + muR))) * Ih/(Sh+Eh+Ih+Rh) * bHM -> A2gmI",
+  "@ -> 0.0003 * exp((temperature-10)*0.1745) < 0 ? A1hm * (gammaAh - muA - muR) * pIh * bHM : A1hm * (gammaAh - ((0.0003 * exp((temperature-10) * 0.1745) + muA + muR))) * pIh * bHM -> A1gmI",
+  "@ -> 0.0003 * exp((temperature-10)*0.1745) < 0 ? A2hm * (gammaAh - muA - muR) * pIh * bHM : A2hm * (gammaAh - ((0.0003 * exp((temperature-10) * 0.1745) + muA + muR))) * pIh * bHM -> A2gmI",
   "A1gmI -> temperature > TAG ? A1gmI * (temperature - TAG) / TDDAG : 0 -> A1omI",
   "A1omI -> A1omI * gammaAo -> A2hmI + 95 * Neggs", ##  New eggs
diff --git a/R/create_ldata.R b/R/create_ldata.R
index 4c80bb1b7743c677aaa25ba8992cc0e398762887..4b0c56acc8d95c72ea45d832a2912cd5bfa2e722 100644
--- a/R/create_ldata.R
+++ b/R/create_ldata.R
@@ -1,65 +1,76 @@
 #' Write local data matrix
-#' @description Internal function to write the pts_fun code driving SimInf package to implement deterministic population dynamics of Aedes Albopictus.
+#' @description Function to define local data
-#' @usage create_ldata(PARCELLE, meteo, gdata, time_max, nYR_init, nodeID)
+#' @usage create_ldata(PARCELLE, METEO, gdata, time_max, nYR_init, nodeID)
 #' @param PARCELLE data.frame or data.table
-#' @param meteo data.frame or data.table
+#' @param METEO data.frame or data.table
 #' @param gdata list
 #' @param time_max numerical value
 #' @param nYR_init numerical value
 #' @param nodeID string
+#' @importFrom pbapply pbapply
+#' @importFrom parallel makeCluster
+#' @importFrom parallel detectCores
+#' @importFrom parallel clusterExport
+#' @importFrom parallel clusterEvalQ
+#' @importFrom parallel stopCluster
 #' @return matrix
-#' @keywords ldata meteo
+#' @keywords ldata METEO
 #' @export
-create_ldata <- function(PARCELLE, meteo, gdata, time_max, nYR_init = 2, nodeID = "ID"){
+create_ldata <- function(PARCELLE, METEO, gdata, mMov, time_max, nYR_init = 1){
   ## We have seven variables that we want to incorporate in each node.
   ## Create a matrix for each variable, where each column contains the data for one node.
   ## Format
+  PARCELLE %<>% copy
   PARCELLE %>% setDT
-  meteo %>% setDT
+  METEO %<>% copy
+  setDT(METEO)
   ## CHECKS
-  try(if(NA %in% match(PARCELLE$STATION, meteo$POSTE))
-    stop("Some stations are missing from the meteorological dataset"))
+  try(if(NA %in% match(PARCELLE$STATION, METEO$ID))
+    stop("Some stations are missing from the METEOrological dataset"))
-  try(if(meteo[POSTE %in% PARCELLE$STATION, .N, by = POSTE] %>% .[,N] %>% min %>% is_less_than(365))
-    stop("At least one year of meteorological data are required for initialization"))
+  try(if(METEO[ID %in% PARCELLE$STATION, .N, by = ID] %>% .[,N] %>% min %>% is_less_than(365))
+    stop("At least one year of METEOrological data are required for initialization"))
-  try(if(meteo[POSTE %in% PARCELLE$STATION, .N, by = POSTE] %>% .[,N] %>% min %>% is_less_than(time_max))
-    stop("All stations must be associated to a number of daily meteorological data equal or greater than time_max"))
+  try(if(METEO[ID %in% PARCELLE$STATION, .N, by = ID] %>% .[,N] %>% min %>% is_less_than(time_max))
+    stop("All stations must be associated to a number of daily METEOrological data equal or greater than time_max"))
-  # Add diff_alt
   ## for each administrative unit
+  message("## Generating parameters for all patches can take time, please be patient. ##")
   #make it parallel
   clust <- detectCores() %>% makeCluster
   #export variables
-  clusterExport(clust, list("PARCELLE", "meteo", "time_max", "nYR_init"), envir = environment())
+  clusterExport(clust, list("PARCELLE", "METEO", "time_max", "nYR_init"), envir = environment())
   #export required library
   clusterEvalQ(clust, library("data.table"))
   clusterEvalQ(clust, library("magrittr"))
   clusterEvalQ(clust, library("zoo"))
+  clusterEvalQ(clust, library("pbapply"))
+ldata <- pbapply(PARCELLE, 1, function(x){
-ldata <- parApply(clust, PARCELLE, 1, function(x){
     # Daily temperature corrected by the altitude
-    temperature <- (meteo[POSTE == x["STATION"] %>% as.numeric, TP]  - as.numeric(x["diff_alt"])*(4.2/1000)) %>% .[seq(time_max)]
+    temperature <- (METEO[ID == x["STATION"] %>% as.numeric, TP]  - as.numeric(x["DIFF_ALT"])*(4.2/1000)) %>% .[seq(time_max)]
     # Cumulative rainfall over 7 days
-    raincumul7 <- meteo[POSTE == x["STATION"] %>% as.numeric, rollapply(c(rep(0,6), RR), 7, sum)][seq(time_max)]
+    raincumul7 <- METEO[ID == x["STATION"] %>% as.numeric, rollapply(c(rep(0,6), RR), 7, sum)][seq(time_max)]
     kLfix <- x["KLfix"] %>% as.numeric
     kLvar <- x["KLvar"] %>% as.numeric
@@ -98,13 +109,17 @@ ldata <- parApply(clust, PARCELLE, 1, function(x){
     # Carrying capacities related to rainfall
     kL_init, kL,
     kP_init, kP
-  )
+  ) %>% as.numeric
+}, cl = clust)
-parse(text=(paste0("colnames(ldata) <- PARCELLE$",nodeID)))
+colnames(ldata) <- PARCELLE$ID
+ldata %<>% rbind(., mMov)
+rownames(ldata) <- NULL
diff --git a/R/generate_events.R b/R/generate_events.R
index 5b97e5ae26a6a38dc6005420f8defef86621c898..21dd7239d5908111a3719361f6730f83530edd06 100644
--- a/R/generate_events.R
+++ b/R/generate_events.R
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 #' @export
-build_E <- function(timetosample, nintro, compartments, nodeintro){
+build_E <- function(timetosample, nintro, nind, compartments, nodeintro){
   # E Matrix for the select process
 E <- structure(.Data = c(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, #1
                          0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, #2
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ events <- data.frame(
   time       = sample(timetosample, nintro, replace = T), ## The time that the event happens
   node       = sample(nodeintro, nintro, replace = T), ## In which node does the event occur
   dest       = rep(0, nintro), ## Which node is the destination node
-  n          = rep(1, nintro), ## How many individuals are moved
+  n          = rep(nind, nintro), ## How many individuals are moved
   proportion = rep(0, nintro), ## This is not used when n > 0
   select     = rep(2, nintro), ## Use the 4th column in the model select matrix
   shift      = rep(0, nintro) ## Not used in this example
diff --git a/R/iniState.R b/R/iniState.R
index 41291589aa80b3990953fe4fbd033a6ec8f27d3e..f25c931239817af6b0a38bf95fda61f552026852 100644
--- a/R/iniState.R
+++ b/R/iniState.R
@@ -1,11 +1,9 @@
 #' Write initial state of the meta-population
 #' @description initialize
-#' @usage iniState(PARCELLE, nodeID, popID)
+#' @usage iniState(PARCELLE)
 #' @param PARCELLE data.frame or data.table
-#' @param nodeID string or data.table
-#' @param popID string
 #' @param initMosq numerical value Initial number of eggs in each node.
 #' @return list
@@ -15,9 +13,9 @@
 #' @export
-iniState <- function(PARCELLE, nodeID, popID, initMosq = 100000){
+iniState <- function(PARCELLE, initMosq = 100000){
-  nh <- PARCELLE[, ..popID] %>% round
+  nh <- PARCELLE[, POP] %>% round
   nadm <- nrow(PARCELLE)
 u0 <- data.frame(
@@ -52,13 +50,13 @@ cont_var <- c(
   "z", "temperature", "kL", "kP",
   "Em", "Lm", "Pm",
   "Aemm", "A1hm", "A1gm", "A1om", "A2hm", "A2gm", "A2om", "prevEggs",
-  "R0")
+  "R0", "pIh", "pIm")
 v0 <- matrix(0,
              nrow = length(cont_var),
-             ncol = PARCELLE[, ..nodeID] %>% nrow,
+             ncol = PARCELLE[, ID] %>% length,
-               unlist(PARCELLE[, ..nodeID])
+               unlist(PARCELLE[, ID])
 ## Random initial mosquito population size (eggs)
diff --git a/R/runArboRisk.R b/R/runArboRisk.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b26dc2338fb1c350d6370005d87ec4f0c5f834db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/runArboRisk.R
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+#' Run a simulation
+#' @description function to run simulations
+#' @usage runArboRisk(PARCELLE, METEO, gdata, mMov = NULL, start_date, end_date, nYR_init = 2, nodeID = "ID")
+#' @param PARCELLE data.frame or data.table
+#' @param METEO data.frame or data.table
+#' @param gdata list
+#' @param mMov double matrix
+#' @param start_date date in "%Y-%m-%d" format
+#' @param end_date date in "%Y-%m-%d" format
+#' @param nYR_init numerical value. Number of years used to initialize the population dynamics (default is 1)
+#' @importFrom SimInf mparse
+#' @importFrom SimInf run
+#' @importFrom SimInf trajectory
+#' @return data.table
+#' @export
+runArboRisk <- function(PARCELLE,
+                        METEO,
+                        gdata = NULL,
+                        vector_species = "Ae. albopictus",
+                        mMov = NULL,
+                        start_date = NULL,
+                        end_date = NULL,
+                        nYR_init = 1,
+                        diapause = TRUE){
+  ####################
+  ### General data ###
+  ####################
+  # input data:
+  # PARCELLE : table where each row is a node and columns are attributes
+  # METEO: table with four columns nodeID, date, daily rainfall, daily mean temperature
+  if(!(is.data.frame(PARCELLE) | is.data.table(PARCELLE) | inherits(PARCELLE, "SpatVector")))
+    stop("PARCELLE must be a data.table or a data.frame")
+  if(inherits(PARCELLE, "SpatVector")){
+  shape <- PARCELLE
+  PARCELLE %<>% as.data.frame
+  }
+  if(NA %in% match(c("ID", "POP", "SURF_HA", "KLfix", "KLvar", "KPfix", "KPvar", "STATION", "DIFF_ALT"), names(PARCELLE)))
+    stop('PARCELLE must contain at least 16 columns: "ID", "POP", "SURF_HA", "KLfix", "KLvar", "KPfix", "KPvar", "STATION", "DIFF_ALT"')
+  ## Inform user on number of PARCELLES, include possibility to use shape
+  ## check PARCELLE columns
+  # popID = "POP"
+  if(!(is.data.frame(METEO) | is.data.table(METEO)))
+  stop("METEO must be a data.table or a data.frame")
+  METEO <- copy(METEO)
+  setDT(METEO)
+  if(NA %in% match(c("ID", "DATE",  "RR", "TP"), names(METEO)))
+    stop("METEO must contain at least 4 columns: 'ÃŒD', 'DATE',  'RR', 'TP' ")
+  ## FIX ME check if meteo contains daily records and print period
+  ## check METEO columns
+  # rename POSTE
+  # DATE "%Y-%m-%d"
+  # RR double normalized between 0 and 1
+  # TP double < 70
+  ############################
+  ### Model initialization ###
+  ############################
+  if(is.null(start_date))
+    start_date <- min(METEO$DATE)
+  if(is.null(end_date))
+    end_date <- max(METEO$DATE)
+  if(start_date < min(METEO$DATE) | end_date > max(METEO$DATE))
+    stop("start_date and end_date must be included in meteorological records")
+  #### Simulation duration ####
+  time_max <- seq(from = min(METEO$DATE),
+                  to = max(METEO$DATE), by =  "days") %>% length
+  ###########################################
+  ## Create u0, v0 and compartment objects ##
+  ###########################################
+  message("Initialization")
+  init <- iniState(PARCELLE, initMosq = 100000)
+  u0 <- init$u0
+  v0 <- init$v0
+  ###############################################################
+  ## Define the compartments, gdata and stochastic transitions ##
+  ###############################################################
+  ## Stochastic transitions are related to the epidemiological model and the life cycle of infected mosquitoes.
+  #### Global data (general parameters) ####
+  if(is.null(gdata)){
+    if(is.null(vector_species))
+      stop("If vector_species is NULL, a set of global parameters gdata must be provided")
+    if(vector_species == "Ae. albopictus"){
+      gdata <- c(
+        # humans
+        bMH = 0.5, # Infection probability from vector to host - 0.5
+        delta = 4.5,
+        muH = 1/5, # transition rate from exposed (E) to infected (I) for humans (1/days)  (doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-53127-z : 1/2)
+        rhoH = 1/5, # Recovery rate of humans (1/days) (doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-53127-z : 1/4)
+        # eggs
+        muE = 0.05,
+        TE = 10, # 10.4 in Tran 2013
+        TDDE = 110,
+        # larva
+        # muL = 0.08,
+        q1L = -0.0007,
+        q2L = 0.0392,
+        q3L = -0.3911,
+        # pupa
+        # muP = 0.03,
+        muEM = 0.1,
+        q1P = 0.0008,
+        q2P = -0.0051,
+        q3P = 0.0319,
+        # emerging adults
+        muA = 0.025, # 0.02 dans le papier // 0.025 dans ocelet
+        gammaAem = 0.4,
+        sigma = 0.5, # proportion of females
+        # host-seeking adults
+        gammaAh = 0.3, # 0.2 dans Tran 2013
+        muR = 0.08,
+        # engorged adults
+        TAG = 10,
+        TDDAG = 77,
+        # oviposition-site-seeking adults
+        gammaAo = 0.28, # fao == gammaAo = 0.2 in Tran 2013 ?
+        beta1 = 95,
+        beta2 = 75,
+        # mosquitoes infection
+        bHM = 0.31,
+        startFav = "10/03/2020",
+        endFav   = "30/09/2020"
+      )
+      } else
+        stop(paste("Parameters for", vector_species, "haven't been implemented, please provide a set of gdata parmaeters or choose 'Ae. albopictus' vector_species"))
+  }
+  if(NA %in% match(c("bMH","delta","muH","rhoH","muE","TE","TDDE","q1L","q2L","q3L","muEM","q1P","q2P","q3P","muA","gammaAem","sigma","gammaAh","muR","TAG","TDDAG","gammaAo","beta1","beta2","bHM"), names(gdata)))
+    stop('gdata must contain at least the following parameters:
+         "bMH","delta","muH","rhoH","muE","TE","TDDE","q1L","q2L","q3L","muEM","q1P","q2P","q3P","muA","gammaAem","sigma","gammaAh","muR","TAG","TDDAG","gammaAo","beta1","beta2","bHM"')
+  ##############
+  ## Diapause ##
+  ##############
+  # Calculates days for diapause over all the simulated period and build pts_fun
+  if(isTRUE(diapause)){
+  diapause_interv <- diapause(startFav = gdata["startFav"],
+                              endFav   = gdata["endFav"],
+                              time_max,
+                              nYR_init)
+  gdata  %<>% .[-which(names(gdata) %in% c("startFav","endFav"))]
+  }
+  mode(gdata) <- "numeric"
+  message("Build stochastic transitions")
+  #### Stochastic transitions ####
+  stoch_transitions <- build_transitions()
+  ##################
+  ## Define ldata ##
+  ##################
+  ## ldata is a vector of local data: daily temperature, kL and  kP and number of non infected mosquitoes in each stage.
+  ## the first item (index = 0) is the number of simulated days, it will be used to daily update v0 with ldata content.
+  ## Now improve this and use time to index data in ldata (local data).
+  message("Format local data")
+  if(is.null(mMov)){
+    mMov <- diag(nrow(PARCELLE))
+    rownames(mMov) <- PARCELLE[, ID]
+  }
+  ldata <- create_ldata(PARCELLE, METEO, gdata, mMov, time_max, nYR_init)
+  ###########################################################
+  ### Deterministic transitions for mosquitoes life cycle ###
+  ###########################################################
+  # pts_fun is a post time step function in C_code updating v0 at each time step.
+  # It is used for meterological and evironemental data, diapause trigger and
+  # vector population stages driven by deterministic events.
+  pts_fun <- build_pts_fun(u0, v0, gdata, ldata, diapause_interv)
+  ###########################################
+  ### Introduction of exposed individuals ###
+  ###########################################
+  # mov <- build_E(timetosample = diapause_interv,
+  #                nintro = 10,
+  #                nind = 100,
+  #                u0 %>% colnames,
+  #                nodeintro = 1)
+  #
+  # E <- mov$E
+  # N <- mov$N
+  # events <- mov$events
+  ###################
+  ### Simulations ###
+  ###################
+  # u0[1, 2] <- 1000
+  # u0[, 7] <- 1000
+  # start_time <- Sys.time()
+  message("Build and run the model")
+  message(Sys.time())
+  model  <- mparse(
+    transitions = stoch_transitions,
+    compartments = u0 %>% colnames,
+    gdata = gdata,
+    ldata = ldata,
+    u0 = u0,
+    v0 = v0,
+    tspan = seq(from = 0, to = (time_max + nYR_init*365) - 1, by = 1), # number of days simulated. Start at 0 to get the indexing correct in the post-time-step function.
+    pts_fun = pts_fun#,
+    # introduction of exposed individuals
+    # events = events,
+    # E = E,
+    # N = N
+  )
+  result <- run(model = model)
+  traj <-  trajectory(result)
+  # end_time <- Sys.time()
+  # end_time - start_time
+  setDT(traj)
+  traj[, DATE := seq.Date(from = (start_date - (365*nYR_init)),
+                         to = end_date,
+                         by ="day"), by = node]
+  traj[, ID := PARCELLE$ID[node]]
+  return(traj)
diff --git a/data/.gitignore b/data/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b1e54437876c9b8433e283a46992e87c816bf1b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/data/PARCELLE.rda b/data/PARCELLE.rda
index 918e03c432f1c0d106dd86583f4b0e844594f030..96997417e8f6863f471a223f80e44bd4cdee0dec 100644
Binary files a/data/PARCELLE.rda and b/data/PARCELLE.rda differ
diff --git a/data/meteo.rda b/data/meteo.rda
index c4fbc5e444e4148c3e523955a13b16b560fe4645..7d2941e55968a2dad41da7a3688a67fbc9b12699 100644
Binary files a/data/meteo.rda and b/data/meteo.rda differ
diff --git a/man/create_ldata.Rd b/man/create_ldata.Rd
index fa3b327043c78e4fb58aac36ed20dceac5f1ba97..b99cd1149a02d6634d4fe811922320ae83e9a480 100644
--- a/man/create_ldata.Rd
+++ b/man/create_ldata.Rd
@@ -4,12 +4,12 @@
 \title{Write local data matrix}
-create_ldata(PARCELLE, meteo, gdata, time_max, nYR_init, nodeID)
+create_ldata(PARCELLE, METEO, gdata, time_max, nYR_init, nodeID)
 \item{PARCELLE}{data.frame or data.table}
-\item{meteo}{data.frame or data.table}
+\item{METEO}{data.frame or data.table}
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ create_ldata(PARCELLE, meteo, gdata, time_max, nYR_init, nodeID)
-Internal function to write the pts_fun code driving SimInf package to implement deterministic population dynamics of Aedes Albopictus.
+Function to define local data
diff --git a/man/iniState.Rd b/man/iniState.Rd
index 770f61052952d348764197d4c6f0b6a5db915b65..f852b9a56a33927bdae477747ab0e043cf7e4533 100644
--- a/man/iniState.Rd
+++ b/man/iniState.Rd
@@ -4,15 +4,11 @@
 \title{Write initial state of the meta-population}
-iniState(PARCELLE, nodeID, popID)
 \item{PARCELLE}{data.frame or data.table}
-\item{nodeID}{string or data.table}
 \item{initMosq}{numerical value Initial number of eggs in each node.}
diff --git a/man/runArboRisk.Rd b/man/runArboRisk.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1a2282ba5d8735952f9395cc07fa72cc1c22adb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/runArboRisk.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/runArboRisk.R
+\title{Run a simulation}
+runArboRisk(PARCELLE, METEO, gdata, mMov = NULL, start_date, end_date, nYR_init = 2, nodeID = "ID")
+\item{PARCELLE}{data.frame or data.table}
+\item{METEO}{data.frame or data.table}
+\item{mMov}{double matrix}
+\item{start_date}{date in "%Y-%m-%d" format}
+\item{end_date}{date in "%Y-%m-%d" format}
+\item{nYR_init}{numerical value. Number of years used to initialize the population dynamics (default is 1)}
+function to run simulations
diff --git a/work_in_progress/.gitignore b/work_in_progress/.gitignore
index d7f2e836aeaf086129fd7b6c1ceee6e0bf75e439..6e55a39499fd61f6087c9fc754eed2cc2c708889 100644
--- a/work_in_progress/.gitignore
+++ b/work_in_progress/.gitignore
@@ -8,3 +8,4 @@ u0.Rda
diff --git a/work_in_progress/contact_method.R b/work_in_progress/contact_method.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..eb7ab9f63f000410d5155704b966f9b025d65942
--- /dev/null
+++ b/work_in_progress/contact_method.R
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+# Create contact
+## Levels of contact
+## Probabilities of contact
+# Very high within patch (patch level)
+Hp <- 0.95
+# Medium (eg. between patches of a city ; city level)
+Mp <- 0.25
+# Low (eg. between patches of a department ; department level)
+Lp <- 0.05
+# Very low (eg. between patches of different departments ; global level)
+Gp <- 0.01
+normalize(c(Hp, Mp, Lp, Gp))
+# High within patch (patch level)
+Hp <- 0.59375
+# Medium between patches of a city (city level)
+Mp <- 0.28125
+# Low between patches of a department (department level)
+Lp <- 0.09375
+# Very low between patches of different departments (national level)
+Gp <- 0.03125
+PARCELLE[, SL2 := NOM_COM %>% factor %>% as.numeric]
+PARCELLE[, SL3 := INSEE_COM %>% substr(., 1, 2) %>% factor %>% as.numeric]
+save(PARCELLE, file = "D:/Pachka_tmp/1-Modeling/dengue-risk-assessment/data/PARCELLE.rda")
+save(PARCELLE, file = "D:/Pachka_tmp/1-Modeling/dengue-risk-assessment/work_in_progress/PARCELLE.rda")
+int IP;
+IP = u[3];
+int TP;
+TP = pop;
+int IC;
+int TC;
+if(ldata[1] == ){
+  IC = u[...] + u[...] + ...;
+  TC = u[...] + u[...] + ...;
+ISL2 <- c()
+for(SpUnit in PARCELLE$SL2 %>% unique){
+  ISL2 %<>% append(., paste0(c("x = if(ldata[1] == ", SpUnit ,"){ IC = ", paste0("u[", 2 + which(PARCELLE$SL2 == SpUnit) - 1,"]", collapse = " + "), "; TC = ", paste0("u[", 1 + which(PARCELLE$SL2 == SpUnit) - 1,"] + u[", 2 + which(PARCELLE$SL2 == SpUnit) - 1,"] + u[",3 + which(PARCELLE$SL2 == SpUnit) - 1,"] + u[", 4 + which(PARCELLE$SL2 == SpUnit) - 1,"]", collapse = " + "), ";}"), collapse = ""))
+  }
+ISL3 <- c()
+for(SpUnit in PARCELLE$SL3 %>% unique){
+  ISL3 %<>% append(., paste0(c("x = if(ldata[2] == ", SpUnit ,"){ IC = ", paste0("u[", 2 + which(PARCELLE$SL3 == SpUnit) - 1,"]", collapse = " + "), "; TC = ", paste0("u[", 1 + which(PARCELLE$SL3 == SpUnit) - 1,"] + u[", 2 + which(PARCELLE$SL3 == SpUnit) - 1,"] + u[",3 + which(PARCELLE$SL3 == SpUnit) - 1,"] + u[", 4 + which(PARCELLE$SL3 == SpUnit) - 1,"]", collapse = " + "), ";}"), collapse = ""))
+int ID;
+int TD;
+if(ldata[2] == ){
+  ID = u[...] + u[...] + ... ;
+  TD = u[...] + u[...] + ... ;
+double pI;
+pI = PLp * (IP/TP) +
+  CLp * (sum(IC) - IP)/(sum(TC)-TP) +
+  DLp * (sum(ID) - IC)/sum(TD))-TC) +
+  NLp * (sum(IN) - ID)/sum(TN)-TD)
+## >>> cummulative probabilities for the patch
+# Medium between patches of a city (city level)
+CLp <- 0.65
+# Low between patches of a department (department level)
+DLp <- 0.35
+# Very low between patches of different departments (national level)
+NLp <- 0.05
diff --git a/work_in_progress/main.R b/work_in_progress/main.R
index 7abc7233757852989675660ffeaaf9aa96e80217..a31aa8e35fd1d1efcaf7b633a92282418f5da6f9 100644
--- a/work_in_progress/main.R
+++ b/work_in_progress/main.R
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ gc() # free up memory and report the memory usage.
 ### Load packages and functions ###
 devtools::install(quick = T)
@@ -21,18 +22,6 @@ library(ArboRisk)
-# convert time as date in the output
-# Parallel processing
 ### General data ###
@@ -41,116 +30,9 @@ library(foreach)
 # meteo: table with four columns nodeID, date, daily rainfall, daily mean temperature
-PARCELLE %<>% .[startsWith(PARCELLE$INSEE_COM, "34"),]
-### Model initialization ###
-#### Simulation duration ####
-time_max <- seq(from = as.Date(as.character(min(meteo$DATE)), format="%Y%m%d"),
-                to = as.Date(as.character(max(meteo$DATE)), format="%Y%m%d"), by =  "days") %>% length
-# time_max <- 400 # number of days simulated
-nYR_init <- 2   # number of years used to initialize the population dynamics
-## Create u0, v0 and compartment objects ##
-init <- iniState(PARCELLE, nodeID = "INSEE_COM", popID = "POP", initMosq = 100000)
-u0 <- init$u0
-v0 <- init$v0
-## Define the compartments, gdata and stochastic transitions ##
-## Stochastic transitions are related to the epidemiological model and the life cycle of infected mosquitoes.
-#### Global data (general parameters) ####
-gdata <- c(
-  # humans
-  bMH = 0.5, # Infection probability from vector to host - 0.5
-  delta = 4.5,
-  muH = 1/5, # transition rate from exposed (E) to infected (I) for humans (1/days)  (doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-53127-z : 1/2)
-  rhoH = 1/5, # Recovery rate of humans (1/days) (doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-53127-z : 1/4)
-  # eggs
-  muE = 0.05,
-  TE = 10, # 10.4 in Tran 2013
-  TDDE = 110,
-  # larva
-  # muL = 0.08,
-  q1L = -0.0007,
-  q2L = 0.0392,
-  q3L = -0.3911,
-  # pupa
-  # muP = 0.03,
-  muEM = 0.1,
-  q1P = 0.0008,
-  q2P = -0.0051,
-  q3P = 0.0319,
-  # emerging adults
-  muA = 0.025, # 0.02 dans le papier // 0.025 dans ocelet
-  gammaAem = 0.4,
-  sigma = 0.5, # proportion of females
-  # host-seeking adults
-  gammaAh = 0.3, # 0.2 dans Tran 2013
-  muR = 0.08,
-  # engorged adults
-  TAG = 10,
-  TDDAG = 77,
-  # oviposition-site-seeking adults
-  gammaAo = 0.28, # fao == gammaAo = 0.2 in Tran 2013 ?
-  beta1 = 95,
-  beta2 = 75,
-  # mosquitoes infection
-  bHM = 0.31
-#### Stochastic transitions ####
-stoch_transitions <- build_transitions()
-## Define ldata ##
-## ldata is a vector of local data: daily temperature, kL and  kP and number of non infected mosquitoes in each stage.
-## the first item (index = 0) is the number of simulated days, it will be used to daily update v0 with ldata content.
-## Now improve this and use time to index data in ldata (local data).
-ldata <- create_ldata(PARCELLE, meteo, gdata, time_max, nYR_init = 2, nodeID = "INSEE_COM")
-## Diapause ##
-# Calculates days for diapause over all the simulated period and build pts_fun
-diapause_interv <- diapause(startFav = "10/03/2020",
-                            endFav   = "30/09/2020",
-                            time_max,
-                            nYR_init)
-### Deterministic transitions for mosquitoes life cycle ###
-# pts_fun is a post time step function in C_code updating v0 at each time step.
-# It is used for meterological and evironemental data, diapause trigger and
-# vector population stages driven by deterministic events.
-pts_fun <- build_pts_fun(u0, v0, gdata, diapause_interv)
-### Introduction of exposed individuals ###
-mov <- build_E(timetosample = diapause_interv,
-        nintro = 10,
-        u0 %>% colnames,
-        nodeintro = nrow(PARCELLE))
-E <- mov$E
-N <- mov$N
-events <- mov$events
+PARCELLE %<>% .[startsWith(PARCELLE$ID, "34"),]
+# PARCELLE %<>% .[1:100,]
 ### Simulations ###
@@ -158,24 +40,15 @@ events <- mov$events
 start_time <- Sys.time()
-model  <- mparse(
-  transitions = stoch_transitions,
-  compartments = u0 %>% colnames,
-  gdata = gdata,
-  ldata = ldata,
-  u0 = u0,
-  v0 = v0,
-  tspan = seq(from = 0, to = (time_max + nYR_init*365) - 1, by = 1), # number of days simulated. Start at 0 to get the indexing correct in the post-time-step function.
-  pts_fun = pts_fun#,
-  # introduction of exposed individuals
-  # events = events,
-  # E = E,
-  # N = N
-result <- run(model = model)
-traj <-  trajectory(result)
+traj <- runArboRisk(PARCELLE,
+                    METEO,
+                    gdata = NULL,
+                    vector_species = "Ae. albopictus",
+                    mMov = NULL,
+                    start_date = NULL,
+                    end_date = NULL,
+                    nYR_init = 1,
+                    diapause = TRUE)
 end_time <- Sys.time()
 end_time - start_time
@@ -184,7 +57,6 @@ end_time - start_time
 ##### Explore output
-traj %>% setDT
 t2d <- rev(ymd('2022/11/30') - days(0:max(traj$time)))
diff --git a/work_in_progress/processInput.R b/work_in_progress/processInput.R
index f27f6549b7b005a70739b490c5531c78d555ad98..be5f63f5a9de12cd90cbde2b55e0743c6c18cf79 100644
--- a/work_in_progress/processInput.R
+++ b/work_in_progress/processInput.R
@@ -2,21 +2,21 @@ library(terra)
 #### Meteorological data ####
-meteo <- read.csv2("test/data/meteo_20210101_20221130.txt")
-meteo %>% setDT
-meteo %<>% cleanmeteo
+METEO <- read.csv2("work_in_progress/data/METEO_20210101_20221130.txt")
+METEO %>% setDT
+METEO %<>% cleanMETEO
-meteo[, `:=`(TN = as.numeric(TN),
+METEO[, `:=`(TN = as.numeric(TN),
              TX = as.numeric(TX))]
-meteo[, TP := (TN+TX)/2]
-meteo[, `:=`(TN = NULL,
+METEO[, TP := (TN+TX)/2]
+METEO[, `:=`(TN = NULL,
              TX = NULL)]
 ### List stations ###
-filename <- "test/data/stations.txt"
+filename <- "work_in_progress/data/stations.txt"
 STATIONS <- read.csv2(filename, sep = ";", dec = ".")
-STATIONS %<>% .[INSEE %in% meteo$POSTE] # Keep stations for which we have meteorological data
+STATIONS %<>% .[INSEE %in% METEO$ID] # Keep stations for which we have METEOrological data
 #remove unsed columns
                 NOM = NULL,
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ STATIONS[, `:=`(TYPE = NULL,
 STATIONS[, ALTITUDE := substr(ALTITUDE, 1, 4) %>% as.numeric]
 #### List of administrative unit ####
-filename <- "test/data/IRIS-GE/IRIS_GE.SHP"
+filename <- "work_in_progress/data/IRIS-GE/IRIS_GE.SHP"
 PARCELLE <- vect(filename)
 terra::crs(PARCELLE, describe = T)
 ### Test limit the number of parcelles
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ PARCELLE$KPvar <- 50 * PARCELLE$SURF_HA
 ## Average altitude ##
 # download raster
-elevation <- elevation_30s(country="FRA", path = "test/data/")
+elevation <- elevation_30s(country="FRA", path = "work_in_progress/data/")
 # project raster
 elevation %<>% project(., "epsg:2154")
 # compute average
 ## Population ##
 # download raster
-pop <- geodata::population(2020, 0.5, path = "test/data/")
+pop <- geodata::population(2020, 0.5, path = "work_in_progress/data/")
 # project raster
 pop  %<>%  terra::project(., elevation)
 # compute average
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ PARCELLE$POP %>% is.na %>% sum %>% equals(0)
 # Turn density into number of persons
 PARCELLE$POP %<>% multiply_by(PARCELLE$SURF_HA/100) %>% round
-## Unique meteorological station ##
+## Unique METEOrological station ##
 # two options: only spatial considerations or the weighted by the human population
 # look at the function nearest from terra package
@@ -85,9 +85,11 @@ STATIONS_pts %<>%  terra::project(., elevation)
-## add the difference of altitude between the average altitude of the administrative unit and the altitude of the meteorological station (diff_alt = ALTITUDE_UNIT - ALTITUDE_STATION)
+## add the difference of altitude between the average altitude of the administrative unit and the altitude of the METEOrological station (diff_alt = ALTITUDE_UNIT - ALTITUDE_STATION)
+names(PARCELLE)[4] <- "ID"
 # turn PARCELLE into table
 PARCELLE %<>% as.data.frame